What to eat when you’re trying to get pregnant

What are the best fertility-boosting foods? Here’s some suggestions for what to eat when you’re trying to get pregnant
It’s food and fitness fortnight on TalkMum, and we’re looking at everything from baby weaning to post-pregnancy fitness tips. But what should you eat before then, when you’re trying to get pregnant?
If you’re thinking about trying to conceive (TTC) or have been trying for a while, you might want to look at your overall health, fitness and also diet.
So what should you eat when you’re trying to get pregnant? Here are some suggestions for food to consume while trying for a baby:
Make sure you eat lots of leafy greens such as broccoli, fortified breakfast cereals, citrus fruits and pulses. These all provide folic acid which is important for the baby’s neural tube development (you should do this in tandem with taking a combined pregnancy supplement that contains folic acid, ideally three months before you start trying for a baby).