The Pros and Cons of Using Stress Relief Tablets for Mental Health Issues

Stress has become like a constant shadow, ever-present and hard to shake off. Be it the stress at your workplace or in your personal life, quite often it can lead to mental health issues like anxiety. Imagine, sailing in a stormy sea with strong winds from all four sides. What can the person on the boat do other than rely on a lifebuoy?

This blog will give you an understanding of stress relief tablets and explore the benefits and drawbacks of they have.

Understanding Stress Relief Tablets

Stress relief or anti-anxiety tablets are designed to alleviate anxiety and improve mood. We have a range of products and medications out there, so it becomes important to identify the ones that you need and the ones you should avoid.

  •  Benzodiazepines: These depressant drugs are meant to handle your anxiety disorders, insomnia and seizures as well.
  •  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs):  This class of drugs is used in depressive disorders, anxiety and other psychological conditions.
  •  Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs):  These antidepressant drugs are used in treating social phobia, menopausal symptoms and fibromyalgia syndrome.
  •  Beta-blockers:  Stress can cause high blood pressure, but with drugs that contain beta-blockers it’s easier to tackle this concern. 
  •  Herbal supplements: Ashwagandha and Ginkgo biloba are some herbal supplements that help in the cognitive functions of the brain while keeping stress at bay.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Stress Relief Tablets

There are two sides to every coin, and the same is with stress relief tablets. While these tablets can be very useful to those seeking immediate help, it goes without saying that there can be long-term drawbacks of consuming the same.

Benefits of Stress Relief Tablets

  •  Effective Symptom Relief: For those seeking immediate relief especially during panic and severe anxiety attacks, medications are very helpful. Medications like SSRIs and SNRIs can take a longer time but are equally beneficial.
  •  Improved Quality of Life: For people dealing with panic attacks on a regular basis, it is very hard to face social situations. Consumption of tablets and supplements can be a life-saver for these individuals.
  •  Support for Therapy: For those who engage in therapy, intake of medications can make it easier by reducing anxiety.
  •  Regulation of Biological factors: The chemicals in our brain cause anxiety and other such mental health issues. Medications can aid in balacing this out.
  • Accessibility: These supplements can be prescribed by primary care doctors making it easily available. Herbal supplements are also an accessible option.

Drawbacks of Stress Relief Tablets

  •  Side effects: Some of these drugs could cause effects like drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain among others.
  •  Dependency and Withdrawal: Although medications are an ideal short term solution, using it long-term can lead to extreme dependence on it.
  •  Tolerance development: The more you depend on these medications, the more tolerant your body is towards these drugs. And that means an increase in dosage to an extreme extent.
  •  Delayed Onset of Action: While some of these drugs give immediate relief, others do not function the same way. This can worsen the situation in some cases.
  •  Interaction with other substances or medicines: If the medications mix with substances like alcohol or one medicine gets mixed with another, it can end up causing life threatening situations.

Why is Neurozan an Ideal Supplement-Based Stress Relief Tablet?

The Pros and Cons of Using Stress Relief Tablets for Mental Health Issues

Medications are in some cases a necessity, that is where we could use alternatives like supplements which have comparatively lesser side effects when compared to drug-based medicines. Neurozan by Vitabiotics, UK’s No 1 supplement brand, contains iodine, choline and serine that contribute to normal cognitive functions. It also contains an herb called Ginkgo Biloba that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries now.

  • It boosts brain health.
  • Aids in reducing stress, anxiety and depression symptoms.
  • It supports your overall mental capabilities.


While medications and supplements can be highly beneficial to many, it’s equally important to look at its drawbacks and choose wisely. Consult your doctor or psychiatrist before taking any medicines for your stress relief.

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